Felipe M Pait
PhD - Yale University, 1993
Associate Professor
Laboratório de Automação e Controle
Departamento de Engenharia Eletrônica da Escola Politécnica
Universidade de São Paulo Brazil
Dear reader, esteemed colleague:
You may notice that these pages have barely been updated since the turn of the century. Static webpages are soooooooo 19 hundreds that I almost forgot they existed. I am keeping them as a frozen memory of the good old days when the web was a NeXTStep thing........ Please reach me by email: surname at the USP or lac servers, name.surname at poli or gmail. Or google me on interactive tools such as Moodle, Blogspot, Twitter, even Facebook and Orkut. There is also Skype and iChat for audiovisual.... and if you still remember how to dial, do not hesitate to call 55 11 3091 5650, 55 11 3813 4946, 55 11 8388 1421, 1 617 232 3855, 1 857 205 0712.
Thanks, looking forward to hearing from you!
About me
About USP
These pages mix languages freely......... Can't read Portuguese?........ Não consegue ler Inglês?
Last modified: April 1999